Human Resources Development Operational Programme
Investment in your future
On April 28 th , 2014 was conducted a press conference in reference to the signed by...
Human Resources Development Operational Programme
Investment in your future
Svilocell EAD terminated the procedure for selection of contractor with subject Ensuring transport...
Human Resources Development Operational Programme
Investment in your future
On Macrh 1 st , 2014 Svilocell EAD started its second project BG051PO001-2.2.03-0330 –...
Re: “Electrolyse plant for production of water solution of sodium chlorate” at Svilosa AD, Zapadna industrialna zona, Svishtov ”
As per article 6, para.1 and 9...
On October 31, 2013 at Bulgarian Industrial Association an European awards for power generation from renewable energy sources for own consumption were given. Svilocell EAD was one of the...
The visit was conducted in regard to the cooperation between two countries concerning the Joint monitoring project of emergency risk in the Danube river cross-border area. The project is ...
Re: "Combined plant for wastes treating and utilization "at Svilosa AD, Zapadna industrialna zona, Svishtov”
As per article 6, para.1 and 9 from the Regulation of the conditions...
According to Protocol of Svilosa AD Board of Directors, dated August 28, 2013, a decision for establishment of Svilosa AD branch of Sofia was taken.
Human Resources Development Operational Programme
Investment in your future
On August 14 th , 2013 Svilocell EAD completed the project “Health and safety jobs...