Open doors day
On October 7th, 2015 was carried out an Open doors day in Svilosa AD – Svilocell EAD.
The event was part of Svilosa activity for environmental protection as leading company in the region. It was also related to the registration of Svilosa Biomass Project under the Voluntary Mechanism Gold Standard for greenhouse gases reduction.
The event coincides with the experts visit of Turkmenistan who has visited Bulgaria in reference to the project Support of introduction of sustainable development policies – rational usage of the natural resources in the energy sector and environmental protection in Turkmenistan. The project is financed by the European Union and is managed by the European Commission. Representatives of different governmental institutions of Turkmenistan participated, mainly in the area of economics, energy sector, education, ecology, etc.
In the Book for comments and recommendations of Svilosa Biomass Project the visitors expressed their support for the company decision to implement this project as Gold Standard one, as an evidence of the serious commitment of the management to fulfill innovative projects related to the environmental protection.
The interest shown by the foreign experts, the willingness to understand more, the good impressions they left the site with, showed us that Svilosa is moving in the right direction - straight forward.
The meeting ended up with grateful acknowledgement by the Turkmenistan visitors for the warmly welcome and the perfectly organized program, as well as for the opportunity to exchange experience and good practices.