Human Resources Development Operational Programme
Human Resources Development Operational Programme
Investment in your future
On July 3rd, 2012 Svilocell EAD signed a contract with the Employment Agency, in its person of Contracting Authority under the Operational Programme Human Resources Development (OP HRD). The Project is implemented with the financial support of European Social Fund (ESF) through OP HRD under the scheme BG051РО001-2.3.02 – Safety labour. The duration of the project is 7 months.
The project specific aims are improvement of the organization of labour activity and creation of prerequisites for increasing the productivity and decreasing the labour accidents and professional diseases; securing of health and safety labour conditions through making safe the work environment; granting of improved personal protective means for improvement of the professional and health status of the operating personnel.
The total amount of the approved costs for project implementation amounts to BGN 75 361,15. The grant by the Contracting Authority is in amount of 79,92% of the total approved costs, equal to BGN 60 228,63. The remaining part in amount of BGN 15 132,52 will be co-financed by Svilocell EAD.
Svilocell EAD bears the whole responsibility for the implementation of the project “Health and safety jobs – guarantee for efficient and productive work” and in no way any activities of Svilocell EAD under the project could not be accepted as an official position of European Union or Employment Agency.