Svilosa AD realizing its responsibility for life and health protection of people and environment, is striving to effectively work for the development and upgrading of environmental policy and strengthen its "green" reputation.
The company carries out a sustainable policy in the energy efficiency area and introduction of energy saving technologies. In this regard and in pursuance of Directive 2009/28/EC of European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and in the course of Svilosa waste biomass utilization project, we are planning the construction of new plant for heat and electric energy cogeneration. Biomass plants in Bulgaria act as balancing powers, that compensate the fluctuations in the grid loading provoked by the solar and wind plants actions. The global challenges lay down higher requirements for increasing the share of the renewable energy in the end consumption. Together with grid load regulation, they create new work places and help for the utilization of waste biomass and reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions.
The project will be implemented together with Chinese consortium guided by Jinan Boiler Group Co. The company is one of the biggest producers of boiler equipment in China. A modern combustion technology called "circulating fluidized bed" will be used. It gives an opportunity for better incineration of the fuel used and reduction of the harmful greenhouse gases.
As a result emission parameters that correspond to the best European practices will be achieved. On an annual basis the plant will generate approximately 1 000 000 MWh heat energy and 110 000 MWh electricity. In fact, thus will be saved more than 400 000 t/a CO2.
The plant will utilize more than 120 000 t/a waste biomass as wood barks, generated as a waste during the sulphate bleached pulp production in Svilocell EAD. Additionally the plant will be fed with treatment plants sediments, agricultural waste matters and others, which appeared to be a serious environmental problem for the region.
Through the project implementation the company will become an energy independent company which has the possibility to meet its electricity and heat energy demands. As a result production activity will become more environmentally friendly, the product prime cost will be decreased and the competitiveness on the European and world markets will be improved, thus approaching it at maximal extent to the best world practices in the pulp production.
Implementation of such a project for waste biomass utilization, in a global aspect could be considered as a measure which helps for decreasing the effect from the climate changes and variations.