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Svilosa on “low carbon diet”


Since May 28, 2012 Svilosa officially gave up from the automobiles. The company’s employees will replace motor transport within the industrial area with bicycles. As a consequence from the above-mentioned initiative 34 tons carbon emissions will be reduced.
Although the unfavorably weather the Mayor of Svishtov – Mr.Stanislav Blagov, deputies from Svishtov, the Executive Director of Svilosa – Mr.Mihail Kolchev and employees from Svilosa rode on bicycles an eco tour through the Pulp Mill area.
"Svilosa has always been leader in Green technologies in Pulp and Paper industry in Bulgaria and in the region" – said Mr.Krasimir Dachev.
"It’s of great importance to us Svilosa production activity to be in "Harmony with nature" and that’s why we will continue to follow the ecological policy and implement new green practices" – he added as well. The aim of the company is in the next 3 years 150MW heat energy to be generated by waste biomass utilization and precipitations from Waste Water Treatment Plants.
The main problem that Wood-processing sector still encounters is the corruption, the forced deficit and the tolerated by the Government non-market regulations. The consequences are production stops or reductions in the volume at Svilosa and other industrial wood consumers as well.
The results are huge losses for the companies and for the budget, also social tension since employees and specialists discharging from the sector.